February 10th to February 21st - Parkland School District will hold its Annual Food Drive. Cetronia will collect Pancake mix and Syrup.
February 14th - February 17- Schools closed, Presidents Day
February 20th- Art show & PAC Craft Social. Details here
From the Principal's Office:
25/26 Student Placement:
Our priority is to create the best possible learning environment for every child. To achieve this, we focus on composing classrooms based on a variety of factors and are unable to accommodate specific teacher requests. Parents have unique insights into your child's social, academic, emotional, and physical development. If you have any information you feel is crucial to your child's success, please share this by email with the school principal by May 15th. While we appreciate your input, requests for specific teachers cannot be honored.
From the Main Office:
REPORT CARDS for the 2nd Marking Period will be available in Home Access Center.
It's time to register for kindergarten! If you have a child turning five before September 1, 2025, please call Cetronia Elementary at (610)351-5860 or email Webberm@parklandsd.net
COLD WEATHER REMINDER - Please dress your children appropriately for the cold weather - including jackets, scarves, hats and gloves. Students will go outside for recess when the "feels-like" temperature is above 20 degrees.
From the Nurse
Please return any outstanding physical or dental forms to the nurse by May 6.
It's flu season - please keep your students home if they have a fever until they are fever-free without medication for 24 hours.
February 10th to February 21st - Parkland School District will hold its Annual Food Drive. Cetronia will collect Pancake mix and Syrup.
February 13th- Valentine's Day Socials
* Weather update* In the event of a two-hour delay, we will still have socials in the afternoon. If the school is closed, we will hold socials in the afternoon on Tuesday, 2/18.
Wear pink or red
February 14th - February 17- Schools closed, Presidents Day
February 20th- Art show & PAC Craft Social. Details here
It's time to register for kindergarten! If you have a child turning five before September 1, 2025, please call Cetronia Elementary at (610)351-5860 or email Webberm@parklandsd.net
COLD WEATHER REMINDER - Please dress your children appropriately for the cold weather - including jackets, scarves, hats and gloves. Students will go outside for recess when the "feels-like" temperature is above 20 degrees.
From the Nurse
Please return any outstanding physical or dental forms to the nurse by May 6.
It's flu season - please keep your students home if they have a fever until they are fever-free without medication for 24 hours.
February 3rd- February 5th - 1st gr Otis-Lennon testing
February 5th - 5th grade parent night at SMS. 6:00 pm in the Auditorium
February 7th- Favorite Sports Team Day
* Report Cards available in HAC*
February 10th to February 21st - Parkland School District will hold its Annual Food Drive. Cetronia will collect Pancake mix and Syrup.
February 13th- Valentine's Day Socials
Wear pink or red
February 14th - February 17- Schools closed, Presidents Day
February 20th- Art show & PAC Craft Social. Details here
From the Principal's Office
It's time to register for kindergarten! If you have a child turning five before September 1, 2025, please call Cetronia Elementary at (610)351-5860 or email Webberm@parklandsd.net
COLD WEATHER REMINDER - Please dress your children appropriately for the cold weather - including jackets, scarves, hats and gloves. Students will go outside for recess when the "feels-like" temperature is above 20 degrees.
Cetronia Family Bingo - advanced registration required
February 5th - 5th grade parent night at SMS. 6:00 pm in the Auditorium
February 7th- Favorite Sports Team Day
February 13th- Valentine Socials
Wear pink or red
February 14th - February 17- Schools closed, Presidents Day
February 20th - Cetronia's Art Show and PAC craft social. Details here
From the Principal's Office
It's time to register for kindergarten! If you have a child turning five before September 1, 2025, please call Cetronia Elementary at (610)351-5860 or email Webberm@parklandsd.net
COLD WEATHER REMINDER - Please dress your children appropriately for the cold weather - including jackets, scarves, hats and gloves. Students will go outside for recess when the "feels-like" temperature is above 20 degrees.
We are officially in the thick of cold and flu season. I want to send a friendly reminder to all families to keep their children home if they are sick.
If your child has a fever, they need to be fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours, without the use of any fever-reducing agents (Tylenol, Motrin) before returning to school.
If your child has any vomiting and/or diarrhea they need to remain home until they are no longer experiencing these symptoms for a full 24 hours.
Continue to encourage hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (covering mouth when coughing) at home. We will continue to do the same at school. If you would like to send some hand sanitizer for your child to keep in their backpack you may do that. Any questions please feel free to contact me.
Thank you all again for your efforts in maintaining the health and safety of Cetronia's students and staff.
Mrs. Alyssa Pagliaro CSN, BSN, RN
1/20: No School - Staff Professional Development day
1/24:Early Dismissal @ 11:45 am
2nd Marking Period Ends
Hedgie Spirit Day
Cetronia Family Bingo (2 sessions) and Raffle. If you can’t attend the event, you can still participate in the raffle! (Discount for paying in advance of the event!) info here
*First-grade parents- please read the important information here regarding Chromebooks and inclement weather.
Bagged Lunches available for January 24th Early Dismissal - Order by 1/21
Bagged lunches will consist of turkey and cheese sandwiches, fruit, vegetable, and beverage and will be charged at their normal rate to students' cafeteria accounts. On the early dismissal day, your child's bagged lunch will be delivered to the child's classroom prior to dismissal time.
Order forms are due by noon on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. You only need to complete a form if you are requesting a lunch.
If you have questions concerning the bagged lunches, please reach out to the food services office at 610-351-5670.
It's time to register for kindergarten! If you have a child turning five before September 1, 2025, please call Cetronia Elementary at (610)351-5860 or email Webberm@parklandsd.net
If you have a child turning five before September 1, 2025, it's time to register for kindergarten!
Families can begin calling their incoming student’s school to obtain a registration link. Similarly, if you have a child enrolled in a private kindergarten program who you plan to enroll for the first time in Parkland Schools for first grade, we invite you to register now.
Families can begin calling their incoming student’s school to obtain a registration link. Please call now to help us prepare our staffing needs.
* Important information regarding dismissal Changes:*-
When changing your child’s dismissal plans, the teacher or office staff must be notified in writing before the change. Please do not use social media platforms or teacher emails to communicate dismissal changes. Oftentimes last-minute changes are difficult to arrange. If an emergency arises suddenly, please notify the office.
The weather is getting colder and we ask that you please dress your children appropriately for the cold weather - including jackets, scarves, hats, and gloves. Students will go outside for recess when the real feel temperature is above 20 degrees.
Please note that all students participate in recess, and if a request is made for the child to remain indoors, it must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.
Please join the Parkland Community Advisory Council (CAC) at their monthly meeting next Thursday, January 16th at 7 PM. This meeting will take place at the Parkland Administration Center and the topic is "PSD 2025-2026 Budget" presented by Mrs. Leslie Frisbie. For more information about the Parkland CAC, please visit https://www.parklandsd.org/community/community-advisory-council.
Parkland School District uses School Messenger, a rapid notification system, that allows for automated calls and emails to phone number(s) and email addresses the parent or guardian has provided to the District. This system will be used in the event of an emergency and to share important information.
To receive text messages, please do both of the following steps:
Contact our main office to make the request, by phone call or email. Maximum 2 text numbers per student.
Opt-in by texting the word “yes” to 67587 from each phone number specified.